一开始我以为上什么大学不重要(不过坦白讲,这块番薯上的任何一件大学应该都没有差的。国外除外),但,我大错特错了!第三年第五个学期的我是IT科系的Final year senior了,你问我上大学有什么感触,如果两年前我可能会很轻松的告诉你,凡是自修多努力就可以了;可是现在的我会这么告诉你,努力是不够的,你必需会猜讲师的心,你必需忍住任何的不满,你必需比别人劳累,然后我最后觉得上大学不是求取知识而是成为别人毕业的桥梁!讲师知道我们(会讲曼德林语言的种族)勤劳肯努力,总喜欢让我们做Group work!然后我们就这样成了别人毕业的桥梁。我们被利用了~
ICMP Service ( Enable & Disable Ping ) for Windows
How to Enable & Disable ICMP ( Ping Service ) for Windows
Open Start -> Click Run -> type CMD and hit Enter
type *netsh firewall set icmpsetting 8 enable *...
Trust me, I am a Doc.
Haven't been blogging since i started working as a doc in UMMC. Life is
hectic here. Last month i did 8 calls (on-call every 3 days), and i had to
work eve...
Long long chapter
The more you grow elder, the more you feel lost in your life. There seems
to be no 'next chapter' of your life anymore ever since graduation. 'Work
life ch...