Monday, January 25, 2010
真糟糕,mashiit怎么会连功课也要Uncle Jemin帮忙呢?哈哈哈哈......
不过真的很谢谢Uncle Jemin,哈哈哈.....每次mashiit有难的时候他总会伸出“圆”手,哈哈哈.....因为他就像小叮当一样>.<。
I would like to say...... I am very thank you......
他这样帮mashiit,哈哈哈......mashiit迟早会被他宠坏的,然后会变得越来越mangkuk.....=.=lll。刚刚收到讲师的电邮说Uncle Jemin帮我找的那篇Journal被接受了的时候,mashiit简直就开心到......!!!哈哈哈.....说不出的喜悦!那些Journal我找了两天了,眼珠都快掉出来了,之前还被reject了一次.....
Saturday, January 23, 2010
哈哈哈....好像变成了老人家,开始回味起往事了。开始觉得小学到中五的朋友感情最要好,哈哈哈.....共生死,共玩乐,一起疯,感觉真的很好。上了中六以后认识的朋友,觉得没有几个是值得交的。就连大学也一样。或许是人心变得复杂了吧。哈哈哈....心是别人的,我管不着。但,小宝,杜先生,Uncle Jemin 和 Uncle Wee除外。
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Hahaha.....前天刚完成的programming assignment.觉得很有成就感,应为里面的题目,在半年前,我花了很多时间,但,还是不会做。可是,大前天,我用了不到二十四小时的时间就把它搞定了! Yeah~~
早上上那节很闷的Kenegaraan的时候,整个过程我都很精神,而且还很专心的在读书叻!可是,偏偏我难得那么一次这么有心想上他的课的时候,讲师却提早下课。=.=lll 真浪费....
没有什么是我做不到的,只是我要做与否。自从进了大学以后,我就是抱着这样的想法,所以当每个人读书读到半死的时候,我仍然很放松,我不会乱给自己压力,因为越是压力就越读不到书。可是很多人就是不明白,死命读,死命读,不管有没有进脑,乱花时间在那里乱读就是了。=.=lll 如果我是他们,我宁愿花时间去睡觉或打game,等我真的很有mood要读书的时候我就会很专心的读,一读就进脑。哇咔咔咔咔.....我读书的秘诀。
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Mashimaro (마시마로) is a Korean fictional character who resembles a fat rabbit, created by Kim Jae In (김재인). He is also known as Yupki Tokki (엽기토끼, "Weird rabbit" in Korean). He debuted in a series of Flash animations (mostly without any dialogue, although the occasional word of Korean or English is present) on the internet.
The original Mashimaro cartoons are full of toilet humour, and some of this is also to be found in the merchandise. Mashimaro himself is often portrayed with a plunger stuck to his head. In contrast to other hyper-cute iconic characters. Mashimaro is portrayed as a bit of a thug, who is not above using violence to impose his will on others.
Mashimaro also has a look-alike, Chocomaro, who is brown. Chocomaro appears in two parodies of "Mashimaro" Episodes, including Episodes 2 and 3. Chocomaro tries to do what Mashimaro would normally do in these episodes, but always messes them up and ends up getting hurt. It is unknown exactly what relationship Chocomaro shares with Mashimaro, but most believe that he is the brother of Mashimaro.
The name "Mashimaro" came from the creator's niece/nephew mispronouncing the word "marshmallow".
{ } Taken from Wikipedia
And now it got a new nickname called "Mashiit" which given by Uncle Jemin. Wahahahaha......I also call it as Mashiit after he named it......
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Uncle Jemin说等他回来的时候会跟我拿之前他和Uncle Wee写的歌,要我收好。嗯.....希望真的还有机会见到你或Uncle Wee。希望你们真的会回来,希望你们还会记得我。
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
By: BBMak
What am I supposed to do with all these blues
Haunting me everywhere no matter what I do
Watching the candle flicker out in the evening glow
I can't let go When will the night be over
I didn't mean to fall in love with you
And baby there's a name for what you put me through
It isn't love, it's robbery
I'm sleeping with the ghost of you and me
Seen a lot of broken hearts go sailing by
Phantom ships lost at sea
And one of them is mine
Raising my glass, I sing a toast to the midnight sky
I wonder why the stars don't seem to guide me
The ghost of you and me
When will it set me free
I hear the voices call
Following footsteps down the hall
Trying to save what's left in my heart and soul
I can't let go when will the night be over
Thursday, January 07, 2010
放假回宿舍不久后的某一顿晚餐,不过,我十点半左右才吃到。=.=lll 因为.....我noob咯....hahaha
Pepsi + 饭 + 鸡腿 + 沙律
本来还有一道Uncle Jemin发明的番薯+番茄+番茄酱的菜的,不过不懂事我忘记还是我太饿吃掉了忘记拍起来,真可惜。咳.....
可是hoh....&^%&^*那个收银员很好笑咯,竟然忘记帮我把上面那个sensor detector拆掉!咳.....无言丫......@@
最近在学一个新的window ~ Linux.哈哈哈哈......蛮好玩的。一直在研究,老师还没教我就自己先玩了。而且突然变得有点勤劳了,常跑去图书馆借相关的书来研究,不过只是对Operating System这个科目有兴趣和肯花心思。Java programming也蛮好玩。剩下的就是theory subject了,我超不喜欢的。=.=lll...........
有一科是数学来的,可是是statistic,也是很多字的,闷得要死。我每一次上课都很想睡......有一科叫software engineering requirement,这可更惨!以前是那个会发脾气的女讲师教,现在是一个搞不清楚状况的伯伯教!整天重复一样的问题,来来去去都在讲那几课,惨了啦,到要考试的时候一定又是教不完的啦。咳........他整天讲课的时候连他自己都不懂自己在讲什么,整天还问回我们,他为什么会说到这个丫?他现在在讲什么丫?真的是!!!!火大!讲话又反反复复,我本来很清醒的,可是每次上完他的课过后就觉得要虚脱了。如果我有鸡蛋的话,一定当场砸他的,哈哈哈哈哈.........不只这样,他给功课也是很喜欢重复给一样的,不懂他是想怎样的!然后每个星期又有online quiz!!!题目也是一直重复的!真的是以为我们时间很多!
反而还觉得hubungan etnik和kenegaraan这两科比较 theory 的科目比较有趣。哈哈哈哈哈......至少我还会想要听课。现在才醒悟,原来我是想当programmer不是software engineer,因为我根本就不喜欢seftware engineer这种无聊+ 太theory的科目!!!